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Join our team of changemakers.

We are one

We challenge the status quo and believe in never-ending learning, developing and optimizing. We are a culture of fearless and brave changemakers. Experts who work hard to constantly improve things create value for our clients. We would love for you to join us and achieve great things together.

The Ropo Way

Our way of working is signified by a uniquely Ropo ‘can do’ spirit and we are guided by a set of core beliefs which shapes and drives our culture:

Target Focus We set ambitious goals that we reach through our relentless ‘can do’ spirit.
Reimagination We are fearless and brave in challenging the status quo and finding new ways to reimagine the category.
Unending Drive We are agile and driven, constantly learning, developing and optimizing.
Straight Talk We are open, honest and uncomplicated, telling it like it is. Our culture lets you be yourself and every voice counts.
Team Spirit We gain tremendous joy out of achieving great things together with our colleagues and clients.

Brought together, our values spell out the acronym of TRUST, which sits at the core of everything we do. We do what we say, we keep our promises, and our progress stems from our ability to gain trust from our clients.

Join the team,
excel at what you do.

At Ropo, you can take your career to the next level. We offer you a mix of personal and professional development in an ambitious and joyful work environment. Our work community consists of results-oriented, determined and active talents. We are highly motivated and having fun at work is important to us. One of the best things about our work community is our positive, relaxed and supportive atmosphere. To help you excel at what you do and build an exciting career at Ropo, or see it as a stepping stone on your continued journey. At Ropo, we believe in more than just hiring employees—we’re committed to cultivating stars.

Benefits we offer

  • International work environment
  • Opportunity to join a well-established, successful business
  • Supportive and ambitious team around you
  • Private health care and insurance
  • Sports and culture activities
  • Competitive wage
  • Flexible working hours
  • Cosy work premises and modern ergonomic tools
  • Result-driven and innovative Ropo Culture
  • Remote work
  • Lunch benefit

Open positions

  • Som UX/UI-designer på Ropo kommer du ha en ledande roll i vår front-end design, och vara en nyckelspelare i att förbättra våra verktyg inom alla produktområden. Som en del av vårt produktteam samarbetar du med användare, intressenter och vårt tekniska team för att förstå och visualisera affärsviktiga och tekniska behov. Dina ansvarområden omfattar:   Om dig:  […]
  • Vill du arbeta på ett bolag som har ett tätt samarbete med de största fastighetsbolagen på marknaden? Vill du arbeta med kvalificerad affärsjuridisk rådgivning med fokus på indrivning inom främst kommersiell hyresrätt och fastighetsrätt? Vill du arbeta i en omväxlande och spännande roll på ett snabbväxande bolag? Då är detta rollen för dig!   Om […]
  • För Ropo Capital är medarbetaren den viktigaste framgångsfaktorn. Vi präglas av arbetsglädje och effektivitet, engagerade människor som drivs av att få saker att hända. Ropo Capital erbjuder tjänster som täcker hela fakturans värdekedja från distribution och reskontrahantering till påminnelser och inkasso. Vi konkurrerar på marknaden som en teknisk pionjär med en affärsmodell grundad på digitaliseringens […]